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July 17, 2011

Forum 1: The appropriate topics for children

As we read at the beginning of the year, Corbally sustains that “children’s literature is didactic (teaches/preaches); even the best of children’s literature is didactic.” So, if we agree products for children are supposed to ‘teach’, what do you think they should teach? Or, the other way round: what do you think they should not teach? What topics are proper or improper when children are the target?
Join the discussion!


nadina said...

Blas: what a topic you've decided to comment on!

I think that, nowaday, children should see a gay couple as a common one, as something that is ok. However, I don't think I'd choose this book for my son. I don't want to say that a gay couple is something wrong, but I think I'd wait for telling the story to my child.

In my opinion, a child brought up by a gay couple is the same that one brought up by heterosexual couple.

DANIELA said...

Hi people!
As a mother I find same sex marriage difficult to handle with my daughter because she is used to see a mother and a father. This is the reason why I wouldn´t choose this book for her.
Anyway, I do agree with homosexual marriage because if two women or two men love each other why shouldn´t they get married? And I think that children raised in same sex homes can be raised as good as those of straight couples.

Camila said...

Well, I don't have children, so my comment will be based on some kind of unexperience. However, if I had a child, I would teach him/her that homosexuality exists and that there is nothing wrong with being homesexual. So I think that children's literature should include that kind of teachings. In my opinion, that book would be a good tool to accompain my teachings but I would not consider it as the first way to approach the subject it concerns.

val_the_fallen_angel said...

Last week I was observing the 4ºD class for Practicas and two boys started to argue and they ended up by calling each other "homosexuals" and harder words. In a case like this I think that using stories that treat homosexuality in a non-offensive way would be interesting to show the kids that being gay is not a bad thing, it is just a choice some people "dared" to choose. I have homosexual friends, and they are normal human beings, funny and kind, and when the students in that classroom started to yell each other hurtful words, I could not help but feeling sad and angry at the same time because the teacher kept on her class, like she didn't care about anything. We, as adults and teachers, have to change if we want future generations to be tolerant and kind.

Julieta said...

maybe I would choose this story to my kids because they are mine and I can choose what to read them and how to explain them that there are different types of families. But I wouldn´t use it at school because some parents may not share my point of view and may feel upset about it.

Gisela said...

Well, I think that our society is not ready for dealing with certain topics,like homosexuality. So I don´t choose this book for students. Unless some comments between students would appear during my classes and if it would happen, first I would organize a meeting with their parents to ask for their opinion before introducing the text in my lessons.

Natalia said...

In my opinion children should be aware that there are different realities, families and we as adults should give the example of being tolerant. We can´t say that "a gay couple is ok" and then that we wouldn't choose this book for our children. We should we coherent with our preach and our way of behaving. I agree with Julieta when she says that "some parents should be upset" and probably as Gisela said a meeting with the parents would be a good option. Homosexuality it is not a topic or something that someone "dare" to choose, it's a reality and if we don't start uncovering the veil that surrounds it, then society will never be able to open their eyes and understand that all people are different and we have to respect everyone's lives, beliefs and sexual orientations.

Daniela said...

I can say that a gay couple is ok and then decide not to choose this book for my child because i consider that this book is not proper for a two year old girl. I can deal with this 'topic'with her maybe when she asks why two women or two men getting married.

M. A. said...

Hi, there! Interesting discussion. However, I believe that the debate appears to be restricted to homosexual marriage. If I'm not mistaken the question Blas put for us to discuss was about any topic we consider improper for children or anything we think should not be taught to them. In my opinion, stereotypes constitute a good example of it. In fact, most of the stories for children are full of them and associate evil with ugliness, goodness with beauty, high social positions (as in the case of stories about princesses) with happiness, and many other examples of stereotypes that have absolutely nothing to do with reality and that should not be inculcated to children.

Blas Bigatti said...

Interesting and hot debate so far. And yes, I guess I chose a picture that ended up dragging the discussion in one direction only. So I thank M.A. for reorienting our debate.

At this point, I think everyone will agree that homosexuality is a conflicting issue in our society, which implies that inserting it at school will undoubtedly arise conflict. So what about other issues? Are there other conflicting topics that you can think of? Or, as M.A. proposed, more issues that you wouldn't treat at school however common and accepted by our society?

Julián said...

Hello, people. As regards children's stories, I consider them to be a very useful resource for parents to be able to explain different things to their children by means of entertaining them. I totally agree with the idea on children's stories being didactic. They definitely leave a message to the kids. Children are very inquisitive, they usually ask everything they come across. By reading stories, their attention is easier to be caught. I think a good message is essential for children's are like sponges which absorb everything in the blink of an eye. And, as far as I know from my own experience, they have a very long memory span! As you can see, I didn't focus on same gender couples. I don't think stories should touch on that sort of subjects at such an early age... there will be time for them to learn that a bit later. Hope I haven't bored you!

Julián said...

For children's brains are like sponges ...
Correcting myself.

M.A and Camila said...

As regards other conflicting topics, we think anorexia and bulimia make up some of them. This is related to stereotypes in our society, which celebrates slimness.Therefore,although not explicitly,anorexia and bulimia are accepted implicitly.