The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

May 14, 2012

Jugate conmigo - revival (TV show proposal)

Mr Yankelevich:

We are writing this letter as a response to your advertisement looking for new ideas for a teenagers T.V show.

Taking into account the characteristics and interests of teenagers nowadays, we are pleased to present you our idea about the revival of one of the most famous entertaining  T.V programme of the nineties in Argentina: “Jugate Conmigo”

This show, which will be broadcast weekly, will include different sections in which participants, arranged in two teams, will have to demonstrate their abilities in singing, dancing, acting and playing games. The winner will get a Prize: a trip to Brazil.

As regards singing and dancing, participants will have to recreate a video clips from pop artists chosen by the opposite team.

As for acting, a few members from each team will pick a card where they will find the explanation of the situation they will act out.

Each of the previously mentioned performances will be judged by four celebrities, all of whom have great knowledge about acting, dancing and singing.

Concerning the game section, it will include some ball games, such as “Football Tennis”, general knowledge games such as quizzes, action games such as paintball wars.

We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

We can be contacted at the above address.


Betina said...

I agree with you. Teenagers love dancing and singing. I think that it is very important for them to show what they can do, to show their abilities.

Nadina said...

Right, Betina. The idea was to make adolescents be the center of the show, by letting them show what they can REALLY do. I think there is a tendency to think that teens cannot achieve certain things. The problem is that we don't consider THOSE THINGS they can do and the WAYS of doing them. We're accustomed to listening to bad things about teenagers. However, we should stop this situation. How? probably, by finding different ways of doing sth. I mean, we should put different strategies into practice in order to let adolescents achieve the necessary things we think they need.
As Small says, teens should be able to identify themselves with what they are dealing with ( Have I written this last sentence correctly?)

marisa said...

i agree with both of you, in this program, adolescents not only can demonstrate their abilities but also their friendship values.

Betina said...

That´s right.Many people tend to label adolescents as boys and girls who do not know doing nothing and are interested in nothing but if they are truly engaged and motivated you will surprise about their skills.

val_the_fallen_angel said...

I hope yankelevich doesnt google his name because this letter will pop up and he will send us to jail for using his name without his permission hahahaha :P

Nancy said...

I think that this project is interesting because it encourages adolescents to develope their abilities and skills. In this way, they may show what they are able to do and incentive others to do the same. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi people, while reading this marvellous letter many things came up to my mind remembering that years(which obviously i can not mention now...) of course i was a young little kid at that time...well, anyway i think that this kind of show is necessary for young adults since they motivate to integrate in their circle of friends and as teenagers are protagonists, this will catch the attention of others teenagers at their homes since the young adolescents are the real protagonists and not old people as Sofovich, Legrand, etc... Pablo S(superman) Barroca....

LauraPaola said...

Hi! I totaly agrre with you superman!. I was a little kid, not a teenager! so when the showed finised I was very angry because I couldn´t be part of it. Theenagers like playing a lot as if they were kids. However, not all the teenagers feel like acting or dancing. I think that should be a moment for those kids who don´t dare to do it. Many teens could participate showing handmade stuffs or a poem or whatever they make on their own.