The texts in this blog are published with their original spelling and grammar. No comments and teacher feedback are included.

September 25, 2012

Forum 2: Storytelling in the secondary classroom

Since we have gradually started dealing with storytelling in the context of young adult education, I think this is the right moment to open a thoughtful and honest discussion about this issue. The idea is that you share ONE POINT ONLY for or against storytelling in the secondary Argentine classroom. What's your opinion? Let's get this discussion started!


Nadina said...

I think this topic is very interesting. It wolud be a great idea to use story telling in our classrooms. However, I don't think this wolud work properly from the very beginning. But, It'd be really good to start, right?
In my opinion, story telling gives us the opportunities to debate different topic among sts. So, let's begin!

M.A said...

Hi, people! I believe that one of the undeniable pros of storytelling is that it can help students familiarize with the narrative genre and therefore, it may serve as a basis to help our students develop narrative skills. To sum it up,I consider storytelling the best input to facilitate and/or encourage our students written production.

Natalia said...

In my opinion, storytelling it´s a great resource that we as teachers can use to different purposes. As Nadina said, you can just break the ice or present a topic with a story, or you can start a debate in your lesson. It doesn't matter what you use storytelling for or the story you choose, but I believe there is something you should have in mind
when putting it into practice with your students: have a clear aim.

Betina said...

In my opinion storytelling is a different means to present students new vocabulary, new grammatical rules, a new topic or just for enjoing a relax moment at the end or beginning of the lesson. You have to take into account the preferences of the group, I mean with genre(horror, science fiction....)what they like best. But I also believe that in certain groups of students storytelling would be difficult or complicated to carry out, at least at the very beginning.

MARISA said...


Nancy said...

In my opinoion, the use of storytelling with young adults may be useful in English classes because they can learn throughout stories. Also,storytelling is a significant resource for teachers to discuss about many issues such as identity, values, communication among others.This kind of topics will help teens to grow themselves as people.

Anonymous said...

I consider useful the use of storytelling at schools because this kind of activity can help the teacher to warm up a class and also to relax the listeners. As students are listening the story, their level of imagination increases and enters into the story and identifies with the characters or the situation portrayed. To be highly effective, the teacher should choose appropiate genre according to the students´preferences... PABLO "S"

Camila said...

As most of you have already said, storytelling can function as an interesting tool to use in the classroom. I also believe that it is a source which enables the teachers to achieve different goals. Anyway, a good tool means nothing if we do not find a right way to apply it. So, we, as teachers, should take risks and give storytelling a try :)

Andrea Olazabal said...

From my point of view,to include storytelling in EFL classes can be very interesting for young adults since they can fell motivated to learn in a meaningful way.Also,storytelling can be used as a starting point to make students reflect about certain issues that concern their interests and the teachers can take advantage of this in order to make their students debate and give their opinons.In my practice as a teacher, I include storytelling in my classes because it´s very usefull and entretaining not only for the students but also for the teacher.

Valeria said...

I was never told any story nor poems when I was in secodary School...nor even when I was in primary. I believe storytelling should be a custom in any classroom. It would create a nice space to share experiences, fly with our imaginations and to share our own productions. Storytelling could be used not only by the teachers, but by the students as well, to read anything they like(No matter the language in which the stories or poems are written).

Laura Paola said...

In my point of view, storytelling is not only a useful tool but I would say one of the most important ones that we as teachers of EFL can apply in order to help student develop their languages skills. The environment provided by this activity along with teenagers´interaction allow true communication. In my own experince as student during the English classrooms in the secondary school, I could say that there was not any kind of communication at all!

kgiss said...

I think storytelling is a great tool to be used in the secondary Argentine classroom. But teachers have to choose an appropiate story according their students likes. It is very important to have in mind that if sudents are not engaged,storytelling may fail.

Jesica said...

Hi everyone, I believe that we all like listening to a good story and young adults are not an exception. If we, as teachers of English, are able to make the right choices, if we can find the appropiate material which is meaningful but at the same time entertainging for the students, the success of storytelling in the English classroom will be then inevitable